

Dinner is served...

and of course drinking it out of a big pink cup makes it taste better.

This is actually really freaking good and surprisingly filling. Its the strawberry Atkins protein shake. 
I'm drinking it as a meal replacement tonight because i was 
really craving something sweet.

Stay Sparkly.

4 more pounds til i hit the 50 lb goal.


I wanna celebrate..but its not like i can eat..or drink..
maybe i'll treat myself to a 
new shade of lipstick. 

Why is it so much harder to diet on the weekends?
Its raining and the kids are napping, all i wanna do is eat 
myself into a pizza coma. 

Weekend Motivation:


Two years later...

oh hey.

i suppose two years later is time for an update. (fake laugh)

You know how you can just get comfortable in your environment and not notice
that you just gained a shit-ton of weight? No?
Well that was my life last year. 
So at the beginning of July i decided to go a different route and get professional help. 

The idea was to get a consultation for a Lap-Band.
Everything happened so fast, they had a couple extreme diets to 
start with and had the surgery scheduled for the end of the month.

I started HCG injections with the 500 calorie diet on july 1st.
On july 18th, they inserted a KE Diet feeding tube through my nose. 
It was supposed to last 10 days but i only made it through 5.

Something really gross happened when i burped on day 5, i'll spare 
you the details but long story short, it came out. 
I decided not to have them put it back in because it was such an inconvenience. 
I was at school everyday and taking clients with a tube coming out of my nose and a backpack.

The surgery is put on hold for now
because my cosigner backed out at the last minute. 
But we wont talk about that.

We'll talk about how i've lost 46 pounds since july 1st.
i know, thats fast. but i'm motivated.
and excited.

So im back on hcg since the tube came out and i'm gonna try to keep
you guys updated on the progress. 

Thanks for reading