
Fantastic 500.

I want to tell you how my first 500 cal day went before i tell you the result. 

Basically this is going to be a routine for the next 30+ days.

Breakfast is coffee or tea and a HCG drop.
i chose coffee because i'm not english.
The only sweetener option for anything is Stevia.

I am not a fan.
So i drink my coffee black. 

Lunch is HCG and 100 grams of protein and 100 grams of a LIMITED
choice of vegetables.

Yesterday i had spinach and chicken with an apple.

SN: (i cut some celery to eat also, but it was after i took the photo that i learned
that we can't 'mix' our veg intake. So i didn't eat it.)

I'm not going to lie and say i wasn't hungry between lunch and dinner, because i definitely was.

Dinner is EXACTLY the same, only you have to use a different protein, veg and fruit.

I had steak and cabbage.

And because i'm used to staying up so late, i knew i would be hungry at some
point after dinner, so i saved my orange and ate it about 7 o'clock.

ALSO.. throughout the day i killed about a gallon of water. 
I don't know how i'm going to do this everyday.. but you're supposed to.

So my first day was tricky. Trying to establish a pattern and convince my brain
that i'm not starving.

The good news is, i woke up and 
was SIX pounds lighter.
I gained TWO pounds during loading days, so if you include those, it was a total of 6. 
If you want to count from my 'start' weight, that its 4 pounds.
Either way. Amazing.
So IMO, that's well worth the first day hunger pains.

Today has been SOOO much better. I'm definitely not as hungry and i'm
much more confident in the diet.

So far, so good. 



  1. YAY SO PROUD OF YOU! And 6lbs is amazing girl, keep it up! I'm off to do some loading now. Wish me luck lol

  2. GOOD LUCK! Eat something awesome for me!!

  3. w00t w00t! Great start girl, keep it up :)
