

First of all i would like to clarify that i HAVE NOT
given up
fallen off the wagon
However i have been a tad busy the past few days. 
Every morning i have 4 boiled egg whites, yogurt or a banana.

I'm hooked on this low carb wheat/fiber wrap that i've been using for lunch.
Awesome part is, you can put damn near anything in it. For me, its usually chicken, romaine lettuce, cheddar and sometimes, more boiled egg whites. Lol.
  I've also been eating several of these..

There's all different kinds, and they are all yummy.

Dinner has been a lot of this....

My cooking is also forcing everyone else to eat healthy.

I REALLY need suggestions on some different veggies though.
I really only tend to like simple things.
Can't do spinach, collards, sprouts, peppers, onions, squash, eggplant, beets..
I'm confidant there is more...

A few of my friends are doing this 'green smoothie' thing.. i've been checking it out.. 
and i just don't think i can do it. 
Blending up pounds of things i don't like in the first place and drinking it...
i might need a little more convincing. 

Anyway. Tonight after din din, Nick and I went power walking around the neighborhood. I worked up a fantastic sweat and it is definitely something i'm going to incorporate that into my daily routine.
I've been so blaaah on the treadmill lately. I'll get on for like 10 minutes and can't do anymore. Which i know is bullshit, because my walk tonight lasted almost an hour.
I lost my ipod so i can't listen to anything. There is no TV in that room. I just need something to distract me from me thinking about how tired i am or how much my legs hurt.

On that note. I have decided to get a trainer. There is a place nearby called IN Shape for WOMEN, and the success stories are amazing. So tomorrow i'm going in for a consultation and my free one week trial :)
I REALLY hate to spend money on something that i could do myself. Seriously. I even cut my own hair.
But i need someone to push me to work out. 
The diet i have in the bag.. its the exercise i need help with.
Regardless, I'll be weighing in every Saturday and i'm unbelievably motivated for this life change.

Time to hit the showers.


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