

I'm so glad this day is over.

I'm so tired. Brace yourself for a short venting session.

Basically my family is in the middle of a major transition and i feel stuck. My husband spends his days networking, looking for a job, school related things, VA appointments, groups at the Vet Center, and 
volunteering with the wounded warriors. 
Then there's me...being ganged up on by my kids.
cook breakfast
make bottles
pick up toys
change diapers
clean up
make lunch
pick up toys
make bottles
clean up
You kind of see where i'm going with this? Don't get me wrong, my husband is the most involved, loving father that ever existed in this world. He has just been busy lately, and i feel like my only
friend is my 2 year old. I also know that he only does things for the betterment of this family.
So i feel like a complete bitch for complaining about it. 

I'll bet by now  you're wondering what this has to do with my diet?
I have done EVERYTHING i can to stop myself from indulging in an entire box of ooey gooey
double fudge, double chocolate chip cookies. Or better yet, a big juicy Baconator and a pile of french fries from Wendys.
Literally, like, it is making my body HURT from resistance.
I guess it is true what everyone has always told me.
I really do eat my feelings.

Thanks for letting me get that out. 

I have taken everyone's wonderful advice about having more calories.
So today, this is what i had:

Egg whites with cheddar 120 calories
Yogurt 170 calories
And that might be my every morning routine. Give or take a little oatmeal.


Pecan salad and a little broccoli and cheese dip with a pita.
Yum. 330 calories.

About dinner. It was a bust. I was so disappointed. I'm trying to force myself to try "new" veggies that i was convinced that i didn't like as a kid.. and apparently i still don't like squash. Blah.
It was a hot mess, i didn't even take a photo of it. 
Lets just say my broccoli/squash/beef teryaki concoction was 
400 calories. 

So they day is finally over with 1020 calories.

(Only two more days until my first weigh in!)


  1. SO Funny-I read in date order-so I didn't even know you had made the changes you did that were so similiar to what I suggested! You've got some great advice gals obviously ;) You are KILLING me with the Baconator comments...I want one of their blue cheese bacon burgers! UGH. I think I do worse when I'm out because I've cleared my house of junk so when I do go out it's all I can do to not go to the drive-thru! I did yesterday :( Had an AMAZING Gyro-my weakness, and they are only at this one place in town-and I had no options but to drive by it on the way to my appt! :/ I too eat my feelings-prob why I've gained so much weight since getting married :/

  2. HAaaa. The worst is going to the mall and walking by a bakery or a pizza place. The smell LITERALLY makes my stomach ache for it.
