
Punching Week TWO in the Face.

Here's the deal. 

My scale is on crack.

I knew this before hand, i just never did anything about it. So this morning (weigh-in day) I go to weigh myself and it told me i gained 12 pounds. Now we know that's not possible. SO, i step off, then step back on and it said i lost 8 pounds. Which also wasn't possible. So, instead of fighting with it, and knowing i needed something more accurate, i headed out to buy a new one. 
This one measures all kinds of junk and was a bit more expensive.
Ya get what ya pay for, right?

SO. Lets say my last weigh in a week ago was accurate... if that is so.. and the NEW scale is accurate.. that would mean i lost 1.2 pounds. 

In fact: it makes me SO mad that i'm going to convince myself that my last scale was screwed up beyond belief and i've probably lost more than that, but there is no way to ever know.
That seems like the way to keep myself going and NOT feeling like i'm doing all of this for no reason.

I mean.. really. I lose more than 1.2 pounds on the toilet. 

Here's a big middle finger to week TWO. You can't stop me.

Now, somebody come work out with me..

1 comment:

  1. Funny this happened to you. Same exact situation happened to me this morning. I knew it was messed up. Looks like a scale is on the list of things to buy.

    Keep up with the good work! I know it's a struggle.
