
Death to Diet Coke.

For the past several years i have had a sick addiction to 
diet coke.

So serious that sometimes i would rather drink that than eat.
Not just any old diet coke. Specifically from a can. I don't do fountain soda, 
two liter bottles or anything else. Only cans.
I KNOW a lot of you are like "its DIET coke, no calories, or sugars, no big deal"
That's what i used to think.
Even my doctor told me that there was a substance in the drink that makes you hungrier. 
To me there was nothing better than a bag of salty sourdough pretzels and a fresh DC.
I googled some things about the ingredients and it wasn't pretty.
Heard of Aspertame? if you haven't.. look it up.
It happens to be one of the main ingredients of Diet coke and ALL other diet sodas.
Basically it causes cancer. It even warns you to NOT drink Diet coke while pregnant. 
The FDA failed to mention that one.
DC has also been linked to diabetes and obesity. 
Ironic isn't it? One of the many things in this world that is very misleading. 

SO TODAY, I'm going in my fridge and throwing out the last bit of Diet Coke that 
will ever be in my home again. 

(i hope my mother is reading this. she needs to follow suit)


  1. Guuuurrrrlll I hear you. My vice is Pepsi. Because I know the dangers of Diet foods I've never caved to the diet version. I refuse the 'old fashioned' version as well which lacks the buzz fizz I need ha. I don't like fountain, I will tolerate a bottle but the can that is so fresh every time? YES! I drink my calories. As in I can do a 2 lt. bottle in a day if I let myself. :( When Alan deploys for a few months at a time...it's what keeps me sane! I downed my last one last night-no more! Gotta quit for good!

  2. YES. i think quitting DC might be the hardest thing during this process. Which is another reason i thought of 'cleansing' so i could get all those harmful toxins that make me crave it so much OUT.
    You should blog with me during your 25 lb loss! I think it really helps! A modern way to keep track of your calories, and have a place to talk about it ya know?
