

I'm getting hungry. 

Okay its not that bad.
Yogurt and coffee for breakfast
180 calories

Not so satisfying, but for 180 calories, what do you expect?
Shortly after i had a few raw carrots and celery with light ranch dressing.
100 more calories.

THIRTY minutes on the treadmill.

This one was tricky. 
While trying to eat healthy, I have to make sure everyone else in the family
eats what they like.. I can't really make them eat rabbit food with me.
Ever had one of those Voila Garlic Chicken skillet dishes?
Well, they're effing delicious.
They are 240 calories per serving.. and a serving is one cup.
Well that might have filled me up when i was 3, but obviously not now.
So, i had two servings.. 480 calories.
is that bad?
I felt terrible doing it.. gahhhh, guilt is a dirty, dirty whore.

Today I ended the day with 870 calories...
there is this certain weight watchers ice cream bar in my freezer that is calling my name.

So I may or may not be adding 140 calories to this total.

On another note:
Not that anyone told me this would be easy, but this is super hard.
I want to punch my husband in the face and steal his pop tart.
I want to just cave in and order chinese food.
I want to sit and watch Ellen instead of exercising.

But then I think about all the reasons i'm doing it.
and i keep going.

At the end of the week when i weigh myself, hopefully that can be my new found motivation.

Until tomorrow, 


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