
Weighing IN.

"Don't be afraid of the scale".

HAHA, yeah right. Is there ANY woman who doesn't cringe when she takes that step 
on to the scale of discouragement?
The bad part IS, you have to know how much you weigh to know how much you're losing.
I weighed myself this morning for the first time since i was prego
(the baby is 5 months old now)
and lets just say... i've got a long way to go.
No surprise there.
And nooooo, I'm not brave enough to share that information with you.
As a matter of fact, i wont even tell my husband.
I remember being in the hospital (about to give birth) and one of the nurses questions
was how much i weigh, and because he was in the room, 
i whispered it to her. 
For some reason i carry my weight very well. I'm huge, yes, but i think i actually weigh more than i look.
OR it could be the fact that skinny people have no concept of pounds.
Regardless, the only way for me to see what kind of progress i'm having is to weigh myself every week. That 
in itself is a challenge.

Lets talk about something else for a minute..
Speaking of skinny people.
You know, those people we love that can eat whatever they want and not gain a pound?
My husband happens to be one of those.
He has a models body.. and he eats like a 15 year old.
Ranch on EVERYTHING, pounds of carbs, whole box of cereal in one sitting.
Ya know, all that fun stuff.
He decided last week that he was going to start eating healthier with me, 
so he buys some of the Healthy Choice, and Smart Option frozen boxed meals just like i did.
The only difference is.. when he made his... he smothers it with salt, alfredo sauce, cheese and/or
ranch dressing. 

Ok, i'm done for now.


  1. Girl I hear ya-I astound people when I tell them my size-but I don't look it. Not sure why that is. My husband's motabolism has slowed since turning 30 and he'd put on a bit-but that jerk just says, Oh I guess I'll start running 4 miles a day, and then does it! He's lost almost 30 lbs in the past 2 or so months. SICK. His gift to me this Christmas was to eat however I wanted us to for all of Jan-as a way to support my journey, because I can't sit and eat this healthy stuff while he chows down on fast food!

  2. LUCKY YOU! I still have to watch my husband drink soda and eat a whole pan of pasta alfredo with extra cheesey garlic bread. HA. Needless to say i've been a little cranky lately.

  3. Well he tech hasnt started yet becuz he had to go to drill this wknd and then to WY for tests-so he's starting when he gets back. Um and yes he did bring 4 Rodeo burgers and an apple pie home from BK the night he left. And yes, yes I did take 1 bite out of 2 of them when he wasn't looking haha
