

Hello again.

I want to start off by saying that a sweet friend emailed me after reading my blog with some 
amazing health tips. Most importantly, she said that i should be having more than 1000 
calories a day. 
She also told me that if i eat more protein than carbs, i would feel fuller for a 
longer period of time. Soooounds good to me.
So i looked up which foods had more protein, and it was a list of
and some other things that didn't sound so yummy.
That's my biggest problem.. im SO picky. I'm like a toddler.
I don't like, tomatoes, peppers, onions, and an ass load of vegetables.
Time to get over it.

I had cheerio's and coffee for breakfast. 
180 calories.

Lunch was weight watchers stuffed chicken.
210 calories.

30 minutes on the treadmill at a 3.0 incline ;)
then THREE zumba routines.
My legs are still shaking.

I always get tired/bored between 2 and 4 o'clock. Mostly because the kids are asleep. 
So, since pop was home, i took my cute little beach cruiser out for a pedal.
Owww, that didn't last long. I haven't been on a bike in YEARS and i felt like everyone was looking at me.
But for the short time i was on it, i was definitely feeling the burn.

Dinner was inspired by a cool new blog that i was introduced to last night 
called skinny taste. (ThanksEm)

The coolest part is, i was convinced i was going to want a second bowl, 
but it filled my big ass up. 
420 calories.

And now its the end of the day with 810 calories.
Tomorrow I'm going to take Nicole's advice and have a bigger breakfast
and eat more protein. pinky pwomise.

(Notice i still haven't tricked myself into posting that full body photo.)
Maybe tomorrow. I've been getting a lot of good encouragement and support lately and 
you guys have noo idea how much that truly means to me. 



  1. U got this...i wish i was 1/2 as motivated as u. U r beautiful & u will win this battle...bcuz TRUST me..the battle is not the exercise or the scale or the food...its urself. Im my own worst enemy. Luv to u from NC all the way to FL. <3 xoxo

  2. What my trainer had me on this summer (when I was able to afford one, a minor perk to deployments :/ was 2 egg whites and a 1/2 cup of plain oatmeal each morning. Lunch was a huge salad with any veggie-(prob not olives)-I'm a HUGE dressing lover, so I started using hand-cut fresh salsa from the cold section at the store-like Rojo's or such, as my dressing! It helped big time! Dinner was fish or chicken plain with asparagas and rice. Not fun but worked really well for me! Also anything that you would use butter or oil on-use coconut oil instead! You can get it in the health dept of your stores or at a Whole Foods or such: here's more info on all it can do for you! (PS it's the only thing I use on my babies and my body-no vaseline or cocoa butter here-both have garbage! ;) http://www.tropicaltraditions.com/faq.htm
